Board Members Present: Richard Braziel, Gordon Reiselt, Katy Braziel, Elizabeth Doak, Craig Wallace, Matt Sexton, Jim Montalbano, and Tom Ocken, Alanna Apodaca, and Maria Lozano. Attachment 1
Guests: Bill Cobb, Ilene Dunn, Ellen Cline, Victor Lopez, and Ian Samson
Meeting called to order: The meeting was not called to order until 7:30 pm because the Heights Community was not open. A note was left on the door that the meeting had been moved to the Frontier Restaurant.
Election of Board Members: The following Board Members have 1 more year remaining on their term: Gordon Reiselt, Tom Ocken, Alanna Apodaca, Elizabeth
Doak, and Matt Sexton. The terms of the following Board Members have expired: Katy Braziel, Maria Lozano, James Montalbano, Craig Wallace, & Rich Braziel. Katy Braziel
declined to serve for another term. Maria, James, Craig & Rich agreed to sign on for another 2 year term and Ian Samson agreed to stand for a 2 year term. All were elected unanimously.
Appellate Court Judge Candidate: Victor Lopez wants to run in the November
2012 election and was seeking support, petition signatures with $5.00 campaign donations. This is a requirement for getting on the ballot. He noted that Attorneys present could not contribute for potential candidates.
Zoning: The Zoning Committee (Bill Cobb, Gordon Reiselt, Elizabeth
Doak) met last week and identified 3 properties of concern. Bill presented information on
each property.
401 Maple SE (EPC Hearing Date January 12, 2012) Gordon & Bill will attend
1502 Silver SE (Hearing January 17 2012) Katy Gordon, & Bill will attend
1401 Silver SE Larry Stevens has contacted Juanita Garcia-Zoning; the house is still an active listing.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Day: A walk will be held on January 15, 2012 starting at 1:00 at the corner of MLK and University to honor Dr. King.
Keep Albuquerque Beautiful Grant: Elizabeth will attend the required meeting and submit a proposal for a recycling proposal to Keep Albuquerque Beautiful.
Good Stuff that happened in December:
- Luminarias were beautiful and lots of people help put them up, light them, and removed them after the holidays.
- New people are attending the meetings and getting involved.
- Good work by the Zoning Committee on identifying and studying problematic properties and recommending strategies to the Boad.
- Neighbors have been helping Michele B. with food, companionship, and help around the house.
- The City is replacing old mulch around the trees.
- Lead & Coal restoration continues apace and is looking terrific.
- The trees on Yale just might live after SHNA intervened and got the City to repair the automating sprinkler system.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 PM