Board Members Present: Richard Braziel, Craig Wallace, Jim Montalbano, Alanna Apodaca, & Tom Ocken. Attachment 1
Guests: Katy Braziel, John DeWitt
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
Zoning: Lovelace EPC Application – Lovelace wants to do landscaping improvements to the facilities North of Martin Luther King Blvd (MLK) and East of I-25. They also want to put up a new medical facility and hotel on High Street between Broadway & Walter South of MLK. The EPC meeting will be held on 7/12/12. Their representative, Phillip Crump, is willing to hold a facilitated meeting to explain the project. Jim will contact the Huning Highlands Neighborhood Association to understand their position and we will try to support them. Attachment 2
Area Transit Study: The kick-off meeting for the University Area Transit Study is on 6/25/12 at the Heights Community Center at 6:00 pm. Attachment 3
Lead/Coal Project: The project is nearing completion with some pick-up work and the watering system at the I-25 intersections still in progress.
Trees/Landscaping: Katy Braziel &Jim Montalbano used the pruning sheers provided by the Parks Department to prune the suckers on the trees on Silver. Also, someone chopped down a tree with an axe on the 1400 block of Gold.
Alley Clean-up By Low Risk Inmates: The Low Risk Inmates cleaned all of the alleys in our neighborhood removing trash, weeds, furniture, & reporting graffiti/tennis shoes on utility wires. We wrote a letter of thanks. This is a great service and we really appreciate it.
Membership: We are coming up on the August membership renewal date and everyone is encouraged to sign up and pay their $10.00 dues. A lot of people are spending their own time and money to help improve and maintain our neighborhood and just by joining you will help support their efforts.
Board Meeting Minutes Approval: The May Board Meeting minutes were approved unanimously.
Crime: There have been a lot of prostitutes working our neighborhood and all residents are encouraged to report them by calling 242-COPS. The more people report this activity the more police attention will be given to this neighborhood. Also some gang activity was noticed at the corner ofBuena Vista and Gold. Again, please report this type of activity to the police. There was some discussion about how to more effectively fight this activity and we thought security cameras might be a good tool. We will put this on the agenda for next months meeting.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:39 PM