Board Members Present: Gordon Reiselt, Rich Braziel, Jim Montalbano Craig Wallace, Robert Stembridge, & Tom Ocken. Attachment 1
Guests: Katy Braziel, Chuck Dinsdale, Matthew Gloudemans, Lori Jameson, and Edward Jameson. Attachment 1
Meeting called to order: 7:00pm
February Meeting Minutes: Approved with corrections
Representative Michele Lujan-Griffin: Matt from Michele Lujan-Griffin’s office attended the meeting. We expressed our appreciation for everything Michele has done for us over the years and Matt expressed their desire to continue supporting SHNA’s worthwhile efforts. Matt lives in our neighborhood.
Zoning Issues:
1502 Silver: Brennon Williams, Code Compliance Manager, sent a letter to Gordon stating the Sanborn Insurance map shows 4 units allowed and that the current R-3 Zoning allows 4 units based on square footage and length/width requirements. Attachment 2
Gordon will draft a response clarifying what the Sanborn Insurance map shows and how the square footage requirements as stated by Brennon did not allow for setbacks, open-space, parking, etc. as required.
Neighborhood News: The March April Neighborhood News for March/April was circulated. Attachment 3
Great American Cleanup: Will be held on Saturday April 27 from 9:00 am to Noon. We will meet at Gordon’s house at 1507 Silver SE and will be focusing on Gold, Lead, Coal, & the side streets.
Landscaping: Katy was finally able to get the 8 trees that had died replaced by calling the Mayor. The weed and feed was put down in late February and only watered once, but the rain came a few days later and it really helped.
Historic Building Designation: Gordon will write a letter to Maryellen Hennessey requesting the City update and complete the Historic Building evaluation and designation study. We understand that the City does not have the staff or resources to accomplish this in a timely manner but need to take this first step of getting the refusal in writing so we can approach UNM to see if they can help us in accomplishing this work.
Complete Streets: The Complete Streets Project is seeking public input on how Central could be designed to accommodate and enhance individual vehicles, public transportation, pedestrians, bikes, etc.
Meeting adjourned: 8:20 pm

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