December SHNA minutes

December 12, 2022 SHNA minutes

Don McGiver
David Marquez
Jayce Marquez
William Destin
Don Fischer
John Hudson
Judy Hudson
Jose Martinez
Yolanda Martinez
Mike Balaskovits
Jonathan Fordney
Walter Friederichs
Tom Ocken
Joel Hobbs
Daniel Hudak

Presentation by Bohannan Huston to replat for St. Charles church in order for cnm to purchase and then lease the property back to the diocese. Widening sidewalks and needs a waiver request from DRB due to setback restrictions. Voted on and approved.

Presentation by CNM to build new applied sciences building at university and coal. Discussed future programs and updates to facilities and services that are offered by CNM. December 19th construction will start in the area.

Luminaria scheduling and designation of responsibilities. Luminaries run from 1400-2100 blocks of Silver Ave. If interested you can contact a board member or just show up at the time of lighting.

Treasurers report by Tom Ocken.

Brief description of signage in the neighborhood along with high crime situation on Oxford Ave SE between Buena Vista and Yale blvd. Numerous calls to the city and SE area command have gone unanswered or ignored.
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