Silver Hill meeting minutes 8/12/24

Board members present: Joanne Kuestner, Tom Ocken, Judy Hudson, Eva Blaylock, Don Fischer, James Montalbano
Others present: John Hudson, Angelica Archuleta-Romero (mayor’s liaison)

Tom Ocken reported that there was no update regarding two nonconforming properties on the east end of Silver, one with a sliding-glass door in front and the other with a front wall higher than 3 feet. He urged that we contact Leslie Naji at the city to have postcards sent to new or all residents reminding them of the restrictions in the Historical Overlay Zone.

Judy Hudson warned of a dangerous dead tree at Silver and Buena Vista.

The Board brainstormed ideas for a 20th anniversary celebration of the reforestation of the medians along Silver Avenue. The Board chose October 19th at 3 p.m. for an event featuring a band, a food truck and recognition of those who were instrumental in making the tree replacement a success in 2004. The Board will iron out details about the event in the coming weeks. Tom Ocken will work on a flier for the event. A late September cleanup will get ready for the event.
The next meeting will be Monday, September 9th.
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