Meeting Notes for SHNA on 12/9/24

The December meeting was back at the Heights Community Center.

Board members present: Eva Blaylock, James Montalbano, Tom Ocken, Don Fisher, Judy Hudson

Others present: John Hudson, Daniel Hudak, Lindsay Wood, Chris Burnett and Anjelica Romero (Mayor’s liaison)

Tom Ocken gave a presentation on luminarias for Christmas Eve. We have enough bags on hand but would have to buy about $250 in candles. Sand is free. He has arranged for block captains for most blocks. Christmas Eve is on a Tuesday. Those present expressed support for going forward with the event.

Chris Burnett is a host of the podcast Ten-Drink Minimum, which he has hosted for nearly 20 years, gaining a following not only across Albuquerque but around the world. He lives Downtown and led a conversation about life downtown, touching on such issues as business retention, parking, homelessness and crime. It was a wide-ranging discussion. The podcast airs live from 5 to 7 each Sunday and is available afterward on most podcast platforms.

Lindsay Wood lives in Spruce Park and is visiting area neighborhood associations in anticipation of starting a Nob Hill newsletter, based on the model of Downtown Albuquerque News.

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